Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- According to Gardner "human life requires the development of different kind of intelligences"
- Music performance
and composition
- To identify musical notes in a isolated and simultaneous way
- To interpret melodies correctly without using scores
- To name the color melodies or ambient sounds from the environment
- To express feelings through the body
- To use in a rational way the physical
- To use tools in the correct way
- To create new products
- Logic
- Mathematical
problems solving
- To think in a
logic way
- To make predictions
- To establish
causality connections
- Faculty in order to adapt to the environment
- To interact with others
- Power in order to establish moods and
mental of other people
- To interpret expressions, movements and
- Imaginary display from different
- Solving real or imaginary spatial
- Creation of plans and structures
- Imagination of three-dimensional spaces in coherence con
along of the time
- To be able in order to access to the own feelings and emotions and
think about it
- To knowing yourself achieving to access to the psyche
- To know some intrior aspects of the own mind
- To comunicate through the
- To express in a
verbal way
- To link words in order to
express ideas
- Correct use of grammar
- How can be these intelligences improved?
- Logical-mathematical intelligence
- To do mental
- To talk and discuss with arguments
- Linguistic intelligence
- To write personal papers
- To write essays about interesting
- To read about different types of texts
- Spatial intelligence
- To cut wooden figures
- Planificar la
ubicación de figuras
sobre dibujos
- Videogames
that imply
spatial challenges
- To practice games
like tangrams and
rubik cubes
- Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence
- Bailar
- Hacer deporte
- Musical intelligence
- To play some
musical instrument
- To read
- Composing musical pieces
- Interpersonal intelligence
- To give more credibility to gestures than words
- To think about how other people see me?
- Don't be afraid to ask
- Intrapersonal intelligence
- To practice Midfulness
- To make questions about the own feelings
- To evaluate own progress