Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Unit 1 - Foundations in Supply
Chain Management and Logistics
- Concepts about Supply Chain
- Supply Chain Managenent
- It is the integration of key processes
of a business from end users through
the primary suppliers that supply
products, services and information
that add value for customers and
others involved
- objective
- It is to maximize
competitiveness and
profitability for the company.
- Types integration
in SCM
- Functional integration
- All those related activities with
purchasing, manufacturing
Transportation Inventory and
- Spatial integration
- When there is geographic dispersion
from suppliers, factories, centers
distribution and clientele
- Integration
- Of all those strategic, tactical
and operational activities
- Business integration
- Includes marketing
plans, sales and
Financial Plans
- Logistics
- It is part of the process of
supply chain that plan,
implement and controls the
flow to forward and backward
and efficient storage and
effective of goods, services and
- Responsible for the Management and
management of flows from the point of
origin to the consumption point in order for
meet the needs and requirements of the
- Logistics Network
- It is the set of activities and
Installations that arrive from
the place of production to
final consumer
- It is made up of centers
of distribution, plants
production, suppliers,
distribution processes
and end users
- Product flow,
information and
- Approaches in Supply Chain
- Model
- It's a supply chain
framework Based on eight
business processes key in
which each process
Commercial is managed by a
Multifunctional Team
- The eight keys Business processes
- 1. Relationship Management
with the customer (CRM)
- It is dedicated to the identification of
companies and target markets, which
are crucial to a company's success
- 2. Relationship Management
with Suppliers (SRM).
- Determine nature of
the relations between
customers and
suppliers and how to
improve them and
- 3. Service Management
Client (CSM)
- It is responsible for the
announcements of Public
service and its administration.
- Monitor the Service
Announcements public
- When customers
experience problems in
terms of service, intervene
on your behalf
- 4. Compliance of the order
- It is responsible for tasks related
to the Improvement of
processes that affect the
financial performance of a
company, its Suppliers and
- 5. Demand Management (DM)
- Monitor the process that
creates the balance
between the Customer
requirements and Chain
Capabilities supply
- 6. Manufacturing flow management (MFM)
- Achieve and improve
the Flexibility in the
chain of supply, as
well How to acquire
- 7. Development and
marketing of products
- The structure, which
creates customer
relationships and suppliers,
includes two Main
components: production
and marketing.
- 8. Returns Management (RM)
- It deals with a number of activities
including returns, control of doors,
evasion and logistics reverse and its
management within a company and
among participants key to the supply
- The Reference Model of Chain
Operations Supply (SCOR)
- SCOR processes
- Describe the activities
commercials associated
with all phases of
satisfaction of a customer's
- Plan, source, manufacture,
deliver, return and enable
- People: Skills in the
chain of supply
- The people section
provides a means to
manage talent in the
chain of supply
incorporating A
standard for describe
the experience
necessary to perform
tasks and manage
- Practices SCOR
- A practice is a
unique way of
configure a
process or a set of
- Yield SCOR
- The performance or metrics section
of SCOR focuses on understanding
the Supply Chain Results
- Attributes of
- It is a grouping or
Categorization of
Metrics used to express
a Specific strategy
- - Reliability, - Ability
to answer, - Agility,
-Cost -Efficiency in
asset management
- Metric
- It is a standard
for Measure
of a chain or
process of
- Level 1
- Are diagnoses of the general state of the
supply chain. These metrics also They are
known as strategic metrics and key
performance indicators (KPIs).
- Level 2
- They serve as a diagnosis for
Level 1 metrics.
- The diagnostic relationship helps
to identify the Root cause or
causes of a performance gap for a
level 1 metric.
- Level 3
- They serve as a
diagnosis for Level 2
- It is a way of designing the
based supply chain the
behaviors and customer
- continuous, collaborative, dynamic and agile
- Types of chain supply
according to this model
- SMC Strategic Management
- Identify the need to invest in changes to the infrastructure in the
company and evaluates its effectiveness
- Chain planning supply
or SCP
- They form the flows of entry
and exit, plan budgets
- Operational
- Customer order management,
replenishment in warehouses,
delivery of products
- Prepared by: Gina Paola Vargas
- Course: Supply Chain Management and Logistics