Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Gothic to Rococo
- Gothic: 1150-1425
- Gothic art defines
much of late mdeieval
art. Very traditional and
creativity was limited.
- Early Renaissance: 1400-1450
- Artistic development,
people broke away
from Gothic art and
its traditions. More
natural and less
religious art work.
- High Renaissance: 1480-1520
- Development in
Italian art, e.g Davinci,
Sensual response to
colour and scienticic
- High and low key
- Mannerism: 1520 -1580
- Exaggerated paintings, Valued personal and
idealist responses to beauty over classical
- Baroque: 1600 - 1700
- Portrays spectacular action and generates powerful
emotions. Religious, mystical and historical subjects were
brought to life. Dramatic lighting, e.g Carvaggio
- Rococo: 1700 -
- Dutch art, portriats, landscapes,
interiors, still lifes. They specialised in
one subject matter