presente simple


regular and irregular
Mindmap von 2702jahlove, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von 2702jahlove vor etwa 9 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

presente simple
  1. Irregular verbs
    1. regular verbs
      1. verb+ed or
        1. consonat and ed
          1. watch- watched
      2. change the write form
        1. see- saw
      3. was
        1. were
          1. WE, THEY YOU
          2. I, SHE, HE IT
          3. Did
            1. didn´t
              1. .for question .for negative sentences . for afirmative sentences
                1. +)I was listening music saturday -)I didn't hear music on saturday ?)Did you hear music on saturday ?
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