Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- 1945 - 1975
- Extraordinary economic growth and social transformation
- Cold War (1947 - 1991)
- Confrontation between 2 blocks
- Capitalism
- Socialism
- USSR ☭
- Golden Age of Capitalism (1947 - 1973)
- Transformation of the:
- Economy
- Internacionalised
- Society
- Culture
- 1914 - 1945
- Catastrophes
- 1914 - 1918
- I World War (1914 - 1918)
- October Revolution (1917 - 1918)
- USSR ☭
- 1918 - 1945
- II World War (1918 - 1945)
- Great depression (1929 - 1932)
- ↑ Socialism
- ↓ Capitalism
- Black Tuesday
- 1975 - 1999
- Decomposition, uncertainty and crisis
- Economy
- ↓ Capitalism
- Depressions
- Unemployment
- Confrontation (upper class - working class)
- ↓ $
- Policy
- Comunism
- Uncertainty
- Inestability
- Chaos
- Society
- Crisis
- Social
- Moral
- Ideological
- Beginning of the modern civilisation
- ↑ Technology
- ✂ Eurocentrism
- ↑ Capitalism
- Individualised society (disconnected)
- Egocentric people
- Break up with the past