Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Circadian Rhythms
- Biological Rhythms
- Distinct patterns of change in the body activity that
conform to the cyclical time periods. Biological
rhythms are influenced by internal body clocks and
external changes in environment.
- Endogenous zeitgebers
- External changes in environment
- Exogenous pacemakers
- Body's internal clock and natural rhythm
- Circadian rhythms are a type of biological rhythm which lasts around 24 hours.
- Sleep wake cycle
- Core body temperature
- Sleep wake cycle
- An example of a circadian rhythm, humans and
animals sleep depending on the level of light
they receive.
- Internal governing
- Superchiasmatic nucleus
- SCN in the hypothalamus detects the level of light
presented and uses this information to co-ordinate
the activity of the circadian rhythm.
- Melatonin
- Triggers a wake
- Pineal gland detects levels of light go down and
secretes melatonin accordingly.
- SIFFRE (1973)
- Deprived himself of light and sound by spending
two months in a cave
- Found that his free-running biological rhythm has settled down to one just
above 24 hours but continued to sleep and wake up on a regular schedule
- AO3
- Research into circadian rhythms provides an
understanding of adverse consequences when
- Night workers experience a period of reduced
concentration at 6 in the morning (circadian trough)
so likely mistakes and accidents.
- Relationship between shift work and poor health.
Shift workers more likely to develop heart disease.
- Used to improve medical treatment
- The rise and fall during the course of a day has led to
- Medical treatment that can be administered to respond to the person's biological rhythms.
- e.g aspirin for a heart attack works best when