Zusammenfassung der Ressource
B5b - Circulatory systems and
the cardiac cycle
- Circulatory Systems
- Open and Closed
Circulatory Systems
- OPEN = Special tubes carry oxygen to their cells meaning
their blood doesn't carry oxygen nor have lungs.
Their blood doesnt carry/travel in blood vessels
but flows around the blood cavity.
- CLOSED = blood carries oxygen that flows into the blood vessels.
- Can be single or double. Fish have single, mammals have double.
- Doubles have a four
chambered heart: two atria
to recieve blood and two
ventricles to distribute blood
to/from lungs and body). This
ensures high high blood
pressure for efficient and
fast circulation.
- single has two chambers in
the heart, one to recieve and
one to distribute
- Many animals need a blood circulatory system to
ensure all their cells recieve enough food and oxygen
and to remove waste products such as carbon dioxide
- As blood flows through the arteries, veins
and capilleries, the blood pressure
decreases. Veins have valves to ensures
there is no backward blood flow. High
blood pressure would damage the fragile
walls of the capillaries
- Galen knew the heart acted as a
pump and the importance of the
pulse. Harvey knew that blood
circulated around the body, that
the heart had four chambers
and about capillaries
- Cardiac Cycle
- The sequence of events as
blood enters and leaves the
- The top chamber (ATRIA) rleax and fill up with blood from the veins
- The atria contact and the blood is forced into the relaxing lower chambers
- The ventricles contract and the blood is forced out of the heart into arteries.
- Heart Rate
- The pulse is caused by blood spurting
through srteries when the heart beats
the heart muscle contracts putting the
blood under pressure and causing it to
move around the body.
- Our heart rates are controlled
automatically by a group of cells
called pacemakers. They produce
small electrical currents and stimulate
the heart muscle to contract.
- Artificial pacemakers can be placed
near the heart for people who
cannot regualte their heartbeat.
- Two pacemakers, the sino-atrial node and the
atrio-ventricular node generate electrical impulses to
coordinate heart muscle contraction. SAN sends electrical
impulses across the atria causing contractions. Impulses
from the AVN cause the ventricles to contract.
- More muscular activity causes a
greater demand for oxygen and
food so heart rate increases.
- Hormone is increased by
the presence of the
hormone Adrenaline.
- Echocariograms and
electrocardiograms video the heart in
action to investigate irregualr heart