Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- Plate types
- destructive : oceanic - continetal,
oceanic - ocenic
- contructive:
oceanic - oceanic
- constructive:continetal-
- collision: continental
- Definitions
- hazard:if it threatens
humans life
- Natural hazard: hazard produced by
environmental process
- Natural disaster:the realisation of a natural hazard
on a significant scale + peoples capacity to cope
and respond has been overwhelmed
- Climatic hazard:Extreme weather
event caused by atmospheric
- geological hazard:hazard caused by
process primally tectonic , within
earths crust
- risk : prob of hazardous event
occurring + causing damage
- vulnerability : physical harm
- crust
- oceanic
- continetal
- Earthqueakes
- sudden brief period of
intense ground shaking
- richer scale : strength of E
according to amount of
energy released
- energy measured in
- liquefaction : some soft R that act like
liquids because the water pulls the solid
particles away