Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- Class
- Groups who share a simular
economic and social situation
- Theories
- Feminism
- Women work
unpaid labour
such as
cleaning the
- Women earn less and gain
less power than men
- Marxism
- Popular culture distract
lower class from the class
- Conflict cause by different
classes caused by power
- Functionalism
- Society benefits everyone of all classes
- The class system is needed
to keep society stable
- Post modernism
- modern life does not focus on class status
- As diversity increases in
wealth and money class
statues is dismissed
- Upper class
- Inherited wealth often in form of
- Middle
- Majority of population
- Professional or
managerial roles
- Working
- Used to be majority of
- Manual workers and
those with trade
- Underclass
- Lack of opportunity and
- Seen as negative
- Those who rely on benefits and are to blame for their
own situatioin due to the choices they have made
- Age
- Old age
- Ageing bodies represent ugliness and degereration.
Older people have been socialised into thinking this
about themsaelves
- Young Adulthood And Middle Age
- Charactirised by career and family
- Associated with
negative terms such
as 'mid life crisis'
- Youth
- 12-25
- Time of rebellion 'storm and stress'
- Childhood
- In some countries children are not
seen as innocent. eg. young
- Media: children are either
portrayed as little angels or
- Media has brought a
decline in childhood
- The world is run by adults. It is young and old
people who are are most negatively affected by
their age
- Theories
- Feminism
- Women are judged by their age
- Society favours young women
- Marxism
- Adults have most power, children are negatively treated in society
- Ageist conflict is necessary
- Functionalism
- Children and adults shall
remain with different
treatment to benefit
- Age has no matter
on social benefits
- Post modernism
- Younger people are
taking over
- Technology is advancing by young people
- Children are being taken more seriously
- Sexuality
- Homosexuality was considered a mental
illness. Now it is more accepted. But in some
countries eg. Nigeria and uganda,
homosexuality is illegal
- Rich (1980) argues that womens
sexuality is opressed by men in
patriarchal society, through institutions
such as marriage, through sexual
violence and rape and through the
sexual objectification of woemn
- 'Compulsory Heterosexuality'- the way women
are socialised into a subordinate and hetrosexual
role, ensuring their availability to men
- Theories
- Feminism
- Women are portrayed through their sexuality eg. in the media
- Marxism
- Society is distracted by popular culture:
distracts from issues with non-heterosexual
- Functionalism
- Believe the nuclear
(tradition family type) is the
best for our society
- Post modernism
- Media is normalising homosexual relationships
- Ethnicity
- 'Race' is socially constructed
- Religion you recruit, ethnicity you cannot
- Ethnicity is a combination of environments
- 'Race; is a term used to intellectually
justify racism. This term is still used in
the law-race legislations protect jews
and sikhs
- Hybrid
- Mixture of 2 or more influences
- A persons indetity may
be british but also a
- Common for 2nd and 3rd generation immigrants
- Post modern: hybrid
identities are
becoming more
- Feminism: this can include hybrid gender
identities-people that have male and female
- National Identity
- Socially constructed through symbols such as flags,
athems, holidays and festivals
- Feminism: this can include hybrid
gender identities-people can have
male and female aspects
- Theories
- Feminism
- Ethnicity should not divide females
- Marxism
- The ideal ethnicity (white for
western countries) will gain
more power andbenefit
more in that society
- Functionalism
- Society benefits all ethnicities
- Some
should remain
on uneven
ground to keep
society stable
- Post Modernism
- Equality is slowly improving
- There are international movements for
ethnic equality in western countries
eg.black lives matter
- Gender
- Methods
- Education
- Teachers expect boys to misbehave more
- Secondary Socialisation
- Uses normality and devience to reinforce GRS. eg.
separate cganging rooms
- Subject choices
- Boys: science, maths, (report
talk) grils: humanities subjects
(repport talk)
- Media
- Normalises GRS through images
- Secondary Socialisation
- Disney: women are
weak and in need of
a male hero
- Employment
- Secondaary Socialisation
- Glass ceiling
- Invisiable
women from reaching
top jobs
- Glass cliff
- Women are premoted into insecure and
precurious management positions
- Equal pay: 2015:
- Family
- Primary Socialisation
- Theories
- Feminism
- Family
- Ann Oakley (1974)
- 1. Manipulation-discourage behaviour not considered to norm for that gender
- 2. Caniliasation-through toys, games and activities
- 3. Verbal Application-nicknames-girl-angel boy: solider
- 4. Different Activities-home-boys: wash the car girl: cook
- Marxism
- GRS is bad as it teaches people to
work for capitalism
- Feminity teaches women to work for
free in housewifr role
- GRS creates inequality and reproduces children to
work for capitalism
- Functionalism
- GRS is good as it gets mena nd women to behave in the same way which stops individualism
- Society is more important than the individual
- 'asprcts of masculinie and
femine that are biological
and not cultural