Zusammenfassung der Ressource
origins of psychology
- key terms
- psychology
- a scientific study of the huma mind and its functions, especially those functions affecting behaviour in a given context
- science
- a means of acquiring knowledge through systematic and objective investigation. the aim is todiscover general laws.
- introspection
- the first systematic experimental attempt to study the mind by breaking up conscious awareness into basic structures of thoughts, images and sensations
- Wundt
- first lab opened Leipzig Germany 1879
- to document and
describe human
- isolating structures
- control
- used scientific methods
- recorded under strict controlled
conditions using the same
stimulus each time
- standardised
- same instructions each
- repeated
- psychology as a science
- early behaviourists
- 1913 Watson question
- data was subjective
- varied from person to person
- only observable
characteristics can
be measured
- this lead to the behaviourist approach
- scientific approach
- focused on scientific approaches
- in a lab
- modern day tech
- eeg
- fmri
- philosophy
- C16 Decartes
suggested mind
was independent
to body
- C17 experience obtained by senses
- don't inherit knowledge
or instincts
- C18 Darwin theory of evolution (biological)