Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Believing in God
- Religious Upbringing
- Main features of Christian Upbringing
- christian parents will have their children baptised
- may send their children to Church school
- teach children to believe in God
- teach their children to pray
- how this may lead to
belief in God
- they will spend most of their
time with people who believe
in God
- Taught by teachers in Sunday school
- and parents
- seeing parents taking their time to
- Religious Experience
- when people feel Gods presence
- Miracles
- an event that seems to break the laws of science
- can only be explained by God
- numinous
- when someone is in a place and they
may be filled with the awareness that
there is something greater than them
- which they feel to be God
- answered prayers
- contact with god-he
must exist
- design argument
- universe seems to be designed
- anything that is designed must have a designer
- Designer must be god.
- Causation Argument
- everything seems to have
a cause including universe
- only possible cause of the
universe is God
- Why scientific explanations of
the world may lead to atheism
- Big Bang
- reasonable scientific explanations
- science can explain
universe with out the
idea of God
- How religion responds to this
- accept scientific explanations but believe god created universe through the Big
- Why unanswered prayers may lead
to atheism
- not feeling God's presence leads to
- If prayers are unanswered
does god know you exist?
- How religion responds to this
- God cannot answer selfish prayers
- answers all other prayers but not in the way people expect
- answer has to fit with all his other plans for you.
- why evil and suffering may
lead to atheism
- If god was all-good and powerful he would
no create evil + suffering
- powerful god would get rid of suffering
- How Religion responds to evil = suffering
- pray for those who suffer
- help those who suffer
- claim evil and suffering are a part o the test to prepare people for heaven