The traditional feast of Holy Week in the canton Urcuqui.


Members: Macías Kevin, Mena Nathalia, Montesdeoca Gabriel, Obando Valentina Course: 10th "B" Date: 28/05/2024
Nathalia Mena
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Zusammenfassung der Ressource

The traditional feast of Holy Week in the canton Urcuqui.
  1. Abstract
    1. Key Celebration
      1. Important at the local and regional level.
      2. Location
        1. Main roads and Main Church.
        2. Culture
          1. Crosses, living paintings, crowns of thorns, indigenous rituals.
          2. Tourist guide
            1. Collection of traditions for cultural promotion.
            2. Investigation
              1. Analysis of natural components, historical data and geo-figures.
              2. Method
                1. Statistical research technique for data.
              3. Theoretical framework
                1. Natural components
                  1. Clothing
                    1. Clothing of Cucuruchos
                      1. Purple tunic, capirote, scepter
                        1. Brotherhood differences
                        2. Materials of the Tunic
                          1. Twill, satin, and velvet
                            1. Composition: 65% polyester, 35% cotton
                            2. Elaboration of the Capirote
                              1. Conical cardboard holder
                                1. Overlapping layers of paper
                                2. Cultural identity
                                  1. Easter tradition
                                    1. Expression of faith and reflection
                                    2. Composition of materials
                                      1. Polyester: derived from petroleum
                                        1. Cardboard: virgin or recycled fiber
                                      2. Representations
                                        1. Significant Flora
                                          1. Olive branches: Oleaceae, edible fruit
                                            1. Palms: Arecaceae, without wood
                                            2. Nature in the Faith
                                              1. Plants and flowers in processions
                                                1. Living Biblical Scenes
                                                2. Christian symbols
                                                  1. Cross: wood, metal, stones
                                                    1. Crown of thorns: reminder of passion
                                                  2. Fanesca
                                                    1. Tradition of the Fanesca
                                                      1. No red meat in Lent and Easter
                                                        1. 12 grains symbolize the apostles
                                                        2. Local ingredients
                                                          1. Cultivated in San Miguel de Urcuquí
                                                            1. Parishes of San Blas and Cahuasquí
                                                      2. Conclusions
                                                        1. Cultural evolution
                                                          1. Fusion of indigenous and colonial elements.
                                                          2. Cultural diversity
                                                            1. Faith and traditions in the celebration.
                                                            2. Tourist Benefit
                                                              1. Mobilizing the rural population and boosting tourism.
                                                              2. Social union
                                                                1. Participation of the whole society in festivities.
                                                                2. Tourist guide
                                                                  1. Appreciation of customs and connection with nature.
                                                                3. Objectives
                                                                  1. General
                                                                    1. A Tourist Guide to Easter Week
                                                                      1. Design for the "San Francisco" educational community.
                                                                    2. Specific
                                                                      1. Cultural research
                                                                        1. Deepen in the traditions and environment native to Urcuqui.
                                                                          1. Identity Diffusion
                                                                            1. Share the cultural heritage of Urcuqui with students and teachers.
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