Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Trabalho de ingles
- The story takes place
around 1970 in the
- A place called Sleepy
- Alunas: Tyciellen , Madalena
, Gabrielly L. 8°D
- Katrina Van
- She is the only daugther of Baltus
Van Tassel and the presttiest gilrl the
- Ichabod Crane
- It´s clumsy , skinny teatcher
who competes with Brom
Bones the town bully
- For the love of Katrina
VanTassel , The only daughter
and heiress of the wealthy
farmer Baltus Van Tassel
- Cavaleiro Sem
- It is the main antagonist of the
- Ancient and fierce Hessian Knight, who had
bloodlust, but was behaaded by American soldiers
during the Revolution
- The Investigador Ichabod Crane is sent to Sleepy
Hollow to county to unveil a series of mysterious
murders , where all victims arefound decapitated
- The inhabitants believe that the killer is a former
combatant of the war hidng in the woods and go
every night looking for his head, lost in combat