Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Race & Ethnicity
- Social Meaning
- Race = Category composed of people who
share some biologically transmitted traits that
members of a society consider important
- Race is socially constructed
- No biologically pure race
- Racial types are misleading
- Ethnicity = shared cultural heritage
- More variability than race
- Most people identify with more than one ethnicity
- Minority = category
distinguished by physical
or cultural traits who are
socially disadvantaged
- Share distinctive identity
- Occupy a subordinate status
- Prejudice & Stereotypes
- Prejudice = rigid & irrational
generalization about a category of people
- Prejudgements
- May be positive or negative
- Stereotype = exaggerated descriptions
applied to every person in some category
- Social distance is how closely
people are willing to interact with
certain categories of people
- Emory Bogardus developed the 7-point social distance scale
- Trend toward greater acceptance
- People see less difference in minorities
- Racism = belief that one racial category
is innately superior or inferior to another
- Theories of prejudice
- Scapegoat theory from frustrations
held by disadvantaged people
- Scapegoat = people with little power
whom people blame for their troubles
- Authoritarian prejudice views prejudice as a personality trait
- Conflict theory states that people use prejudice to justify oppression