Zusammenfassung der Ressource
The power of introverts
- We need introverts
doing what they do best
- 1 out of every 2 to 3 people
you meet are introverts
- Introversion is more about
how you respond to social
- Even wokplaces usually have an
open floor plan whre there is
constint noise and gaze of our
- some of our leaders in history
have been introverts. Eleanor
Roosevelt, Rosa Parks, Gandhi
- solitude matters
- introversion is different than being shy
- we need to all put ourselvs in
the zone of stimulation that is
right for us
- Most classrooms kids work
together and it's difficult for the
- Introverts are routinely
passed over for leadership
- works better by themselves
than in a group
- The U.S. has always
favored the man of action
over the "man" of