Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- According to the 2009 Right to Education Act, schooling is free and compulsory in India for all children
from the ages of 6 to 14. Pre-school education is not compulsory
- . Children attend pre-primary schools at 6.
Pre-primary schools are supposed to prepare
children for everyday school life and are followed
by primary schools. At the age of eleven students
in India leave primary school and go to middle
school. After four years, at the age of fourteen,
they have to take exams in order to successfully
finish middle school. At this point, the ten year
compulsory education is finished
- However, both free education and the ban on child labour in India is difficult to
enforce due to economic disparity and social conditions. 80% of all
recognized schools at the elementary stage are government run or supported,
making it the largest provider of education in the country.
- India is not currently in the OECD tables.
- Mumbai results showed that the sucess rates showed in
exams held in november has dipped to 3.11% - the lowest in the past 5 years.
- india has made progress in terms of increasing the primary education attendandance rate and
expanding literacy to approx 3 quarters of the population in the 7-10 age range.
- at the primary and secondary level india has a large private school system, with 29% of students recieving private education in the 6-14 age range.
- Today 35% of children in india still do NOT complete primary school and only 10% complete secondary school. A 2013 study found that 47% of children in year 5 could not read year 2 text