Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- Paper database
- Argos catalogue
- Advantages
- The advantages are that the is everything they
sell in the catalog and tells you the price.Also the
advantages are that you get them for free
- Disadvantages
- The disadvantages are that you have to get one very time because you can't update paper
you have to get a new one.As a result of that the company wastes money they aren't
getting money because they have to spend money making them.However on a computer
or phone you can save money and it will not hurt the environment .Also it can last for a
long time then paper.To sum up the computer database is better because it's quicker and
on Christmas it is cheaper and doesn't hurt the environment.
- Computer database
- Chinese takeawy
- Disadvantages
- The disadvantages are thatif your out and
you want a takeaway you will have to use
4G to oder it and that is expensive.Also if
you want your take away and your wifi
isn't working you have to call up and that
will waste your credit
- Advantages
- The advantages are that you don't have to walk all the way to the
Chip and Fish shop you can call up.Also you can save your petrol
if you live far away from the shop because you can oder it on the
- School register
- Advantages
- The advantages of a school register are
that you can update the possitive or
negitive things that the children have
done.Also on a computer you have all of
their detalis about them and what collage
- Disadvantages
- The disadvantages of a school register are that when a
someone gets sent to seclousion they have to get a teaher
and on a computer you can just go on the seclouison page
and put them in.Also on paper they just know your name
and thats only it.
- Both
- Yellow paper
- Advantages
- The advantages of paper are that you
can get the paper very cheap from a shop.For a
computer you will have to pay more money than
for paper.Also you will have to get things for your
computer because not all things come with it
- Disadvantages
- The disadvantages of the paper are that you
can lose it easier than you can on a
computer. The disadvantages of paper data
- Calendar
- Disadvantages
- The disadvantages are that if you have the worng
date then you could plan it at a wrong time.Also if
your battery is low and you want to plan someting
important than you would have to remmeber it.
- Advantages
- The advantages are that on a phone you
can find the day or date faster than on a
calendar when you want to meet with
someone.Also you can carry it round with
you if it is on your phone.
- Online booking
- Advantages
- The advantages are that you con go
Online and book it like that.Also it saves
your car petrol .
- Disadvantages
- If the website is down you have to walk all the way there.
- People that design databases and earn alot of money
- Little Fact