Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Consequences of Imperialism in Africa
- Ecological
- -New Methods of farming and
animal and plant species
unpublished -Caused profound
alterations of ecoystems
- -Rivers were contaminated
with heavy metals (mercury and
- Geopolitical
- -Creation of artificial
boundaries forcing the
union or separation of
tribal and ethnic groups
- -Inumerable racial
conflicts that exist
- Political
- -Imposed administrative
organization -there was
always conflict that
formed the germ of
antimperialism usually
involved westernized
middle classes who
claimed respect for the
- -This led to Ghando working in SA in
1983 through passive resistence and
civil desobedience
- Economical
- -Traditional economy was
replaced by export
monoculture -Causing
disappearance of
ancestral farms of
- dramatic changes in
the landscape and
severe alteration of
the environment
- Social
- -The bourgeoisie from the metropolis
composed of merchants, oficials and
land owners invaded the means of
high levels of political society
- -There were certain cases were
indigenous groups were asimilated
by the colonizers and became part
of social elite
- This occured mainly with old elite leaders, members
of certain bodies of the army and official of colonial
- -The minority which was mostly native population was subject of a white spread process of becoming part of the
qualitariat which increased the abundant serve of labor to the creation of infraestructure and plantation agriculture
- Cultural
- -Lost of identity,
implanted patterns
of behaviours,
ediucation and
- -French and english were
imposed, influences of
- Pablo Vera A01730223
Frida Acevedo A01730264
Sophia Cisneros