Critical Discourse Psychology (CDP)


DD307 Book 1 Chapter 4 p.100
Sarah Brooker
Mindmap von Sarah Brooker, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Sarah Brooker
Erstellt von Sarah Brooker vor mehr als 9 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Critical Discourse Psychology (CDP)
  1. Focus on how language & discourse construct social reality
    1. Discourse resources drawn from existing culture
      1. Focuses on written or spoken "texts" e.g interviews, diaries, conversation
        1. Highlights how people use "interpretive repertories" (commonsense but contradictory explanations)
          1. How people adopt or ascribe "subject positions" (attribute identities)
            1. Talk rhetorically constructed to provide blame/justification as set in context of supplying a narrative
              1. Identifies ideological features of discourse via analysis & investigates how social inequalities are constructed/reconstructed via use of language
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