Zusammenfassung der Ressource
D2 justify the need to review policies and
procedures following critical incidents
- Change
- Staff Change
- Training - training new staff/refresher
- Staff aware of risk assessments
- Changes to risk assessments
- New equipment- staff training
- New laws - change the way
health care workers have to
- Suing culture- after an incident people can sue - COST
- http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-419719/NHS-facing-mass-MRSA-claims-lawyers-new-grounds-sue.html
- http://www.southwalesargus.co.uk/news/gwentnews/9867659.Newport_girl_was_injured_with_pair_of_scissors_at_nursery/
- Health and Safety policy and procedures
- What are they? Hospital and Nursery
- Were they followed?
- What should of happened
- A way to ask- what went wrong nd why did it go wrong
- Stop anything from happening again
- Refelctive practice - always good practice
- Staff can reflect and make imrovements to thier practice
- Why did the MRSA happen?
- What procedures were not in place/people follow?
- What should staff do as a result of the outbreak? Hand washing etc
- http://www.rdash.nhs.uk/wp-content/uploads/2009/11/Hand-Hygiene-Policy-12-Aug-2010.pdf
- What were the casuing factors behind the incident? Why did the child cut his hand on scissors?
- Were the correct procedures followed?
- Risk assessment followed?
- What should the have done?
- Children walking with scissors- following procedures?
- Justify - What should you do?
- it means to explain and say WHY you think policies and
procedures need to be reviewed
- POINT, then your EVIDENCE
then you EXPLAIN your point
- What are the positives of reviewing? Give an E.G
- What is the impact of not reviewing?
- Example?
- http://www.health.gov.nl.ca/health/publichealth/cdc/infectioncontrol/mrsa_manual_for_nurses_other_healthcare_workers.pdf
- P9 onwards - why is MRSA spread etc