Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Looking for Meaning
- Key Concepts
- Awe- completely overwhelmed by a sense of God's presence
- Revelation- something shown or explained that was previously hidden. Many religions have revealed truths.
- God-ultimate being. For example, the creator of the world.
- Symbolism- something that points to or explains something else. Religions have many symbolic actions and ideas.
- Deity- a visible form of the power behind the world
- Afterlife- the belief that there is some kind of
life after the death of the body. Many religions
believe in heaven and places that the soul
goes to after the body has died
- Community- a group of people with something in common
- Christianity
- Reasons to believe/not to believe in God
- Holy books
- Life has no reason/purpose without God
- Natural world- creation
- Religious upbringing
- No religious upbringing
- No proof/evidence
- Evil and suffering in the world
- Science has answers. E.g. the Big Bang theory
- Beliefs about God
- Christians believe there is one God but with three
parts, called the Trinity. These are the Father, the
Son and the Holy Spirit
- God as spirit- He has no physical form or body
- He gave us free
will- Adam and Eve
- God as Jesus(son)- died to save people, reading Bible stories about
Jesus allows them to find out what God is like
- God as creator(father)- He made
the Earth, gave it purpose and
cares for all who live in it
- Responding to God
- Living in a way that pleases God;
dedicating yourself to God
- Telling others about God and
- Serve others- voluntarily or as
part of their job; also, give money
to charities or to the Church
- Worship God- in Church and at home through prayer and reading the Bible
- Funeral Rites
- At the end of the burial service, the words "earth to earth,
ashes to ashes" are said to remind us that God made us and
that we are being returned to him
- The minister or relative will say something about the person, to remember them
- At the funeral- passages are read from the Bible,
worships songs sung and hymns read to comfort and
restore faith.
- Some Christians prefer burial, but many are also cremated.
- Experiencing God
- Miracles- an event that breaks
the laws of nature, like healing,
and has only the explanation of
- Prayers- when they are thinking about or talk to God spiritually
- Revelations- God can reveal himself to a human, through visions or reading a holy book etc.
- Awe- feeling of a presence that is greater than us, usually described for God.
- Responding to God
- Through prayers, preaching and teaching about God and
how believers should live, worship, retreat/study about
religion etc.
- Vocations-doing a job which helps others,
e.g. teaching or medicine
- Service and commitment- acts of kindness, giving time/money to their religion
- Pilgrimage to holy places such as Lourdes
- Symbols
- Candle- symbol of light and goodness
overcoming evil and darkness
- Fish-Greek word for fish is ICTHUS, each letter
spells out "Jesus Christ, God's Son, Saviour"
- Trinity- symbolised as H2O so water, ice, steam or a 3 leafed clover
- Cross- most often used, reminder what
Jesus sacrificed to save them from death
and their sins and give them eternal life,
many Christians wear a cross around their
- Heaven and Hell
- Soul lives on after death(immortal) and will go to either
heaven or hell. It depends on your actions and if you
accepted Jesus
- Heaven is paradise but Hell is a place of torment and
pain- eternity without God
- Islam
- How do Muslims respond to Allah?
1. Prayer; there are 5 times a day
when Muslims are required to pray
2. Reading the Qur’an. Muslims
should learn the words of Allah in
the Qur’an 3. Giving 2.5% of their
income as Zakah and more as
Sadaqh – voluntary donations 4.
Pilgrimage; going on Hajj and
travelling to Makkah 5. Living the
sort of life Allah requires; doing
halal and avoiding Haram
- Islam and Symbols
1. Drawing images
of Allah is totally
forbidden 2. There
are 99 names that
are explain many of
the qualities of
Allah, for example
Allah the merciful.
3. The crescent
moon and 5 point
star represents:
Muslims faith will
grow as the moon
does throughout
the month Islam is
a guide to people,
as the stars and
moon help people
navigate 4. The
headscarf is a sign
of modesty,
womanhood and
commitment to
- Islam and God (Allah)
1. There is only one
God. He is all knowing,
and the creator of the
world, including
humans. Tawhid is the
oneness of Allah. 2. He
is merciful and gracious.
3. He requires
submission to him in
obedience. God will
judge the world. 4. He
sent his last and
greatest prophet
Muhammad (pbuh) to
lead and guide his
people. 5. Allah has no
beginning and no end
and that He always was
and always will be. 6.
There is nothing like
Him. Nothing in all of
His creation can be.
- Life after Death. 1. Muslims call life after death – Akhirah. 2. Not to believe in life
after death would make this life meaningless for a Muslim. 3. Life is a test. How
we act in life will determine what happens to us after we die. 4. Nothing happens
to us that is accidental. Allah is in control. 5. Muslims believe that we remain in
the grave after death until the Day of Judgement (Yawmuddin). On this day Allah
will judge everyone. The good will go to heaven and the bad to hell. Only Allah
knows who will go where.
- Funeral Rites: Islam The ‘adhan’ (call to
prayer) should be the final words a
Muslim hears. The body will be washed
and wrapped in a white cloth. An Imam
(leader) leads the prayers at the
mosque and graveside The funeral will
take place within 24 hours and usually
only men attend The body is buried
facing Makkah where Muhammad
(pbuh) was born 6. The ceremony will
be as simple as possible