Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Looking For Meaning
- Keywords
- God
- Ultimate being for example the creator of the world. dielty - a visible form of the power behind the world
- Symbolism
- Something that points to or explains something else
- Revelation
- Sompething shown or explained that was periviosly hidden.
- Awe
- Completly overwhelmed by a sense of God's presence
- Community
- a group of people with something in common
- Afterlife
- Life after death
- Islam
- there is only one God
- He is merciful and gracious
- God will judge the world
- Allah has no beginning no end
- There is nothing like him
- How muslims respond to Allah
- Prayer 5 times a day
- Reading the Quran
- Giving 2.5% of income
- Pilgrimage
- Funeral rites: Islam
- the body is washed and wrapped in a white cloth
- Imam leads the prayers
- Only men attend the funeral
- The cermoney is simple as possible
- islam life after death
- Akhirah
- must believe in life after death or this life is meaningless
- Life is a test
- Christianty reasons to believe in God
- Natural world
- Holy book
- Life has no point without God
- Chrisitaiin beliefs about God
- God has three parts
- God gave us free will
- God gave us spirit
- God as creator
- Chrisitians respond to God
- Prayer
- Reading the bible
- Giving money to charity
- Chrisitian heaven and hell
- Soul lives after death
- Heaven is paradise
- hell is a place of tournment