Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Year 10 RS work
- matters of life and death
- believing in God
- Belief and non-belief in god
- agnosticism
- not sure if god exists
- what happens
when you die
- athesim
- believing God does
not exist
- belif is just hoping
- Religious upbringing
- sunday shurch
- festivals/cerimonies
- christmass
- baptism
- sunday school
- prayer
- confimation
- testimony
- religious experience (1)
- miracle
- something that seems imposible but happens anyway
- visions
- if you see a religious vision
- religious experience (2)
- numinous experiences
- feeling the presence of god
- worship
- pray
- when prayes are answered
- conversion
- converting from one religion to another
- the design argument
- design is the result of intelligent thought
- the universe is so complicated it must have been designed
- the universe must have a intelligent designer
- this must be God
- the causation argument
- nothing can happen by itself
- everthing has a cause including the universe
- a very powerful cause was necessary for the universe
- this cause is God therefore, God exists
- scientific explanations of origins of the world
- the big bang
- evolution
- Charles darwain
- Natural selection
- creationasts
- they believe everything in the bible
- very funny to listen to and
prove wrong
- unanswered prayers
- if prayers are unanswered it puts
people in to disbelieve
- some say that all prayers are
answered just at different times
- the problem of evil and suffering
- suffering must exist
- a world with out suffering
causes suffering
- moral evil
- evil caused by humans
- natural evil
- suffering beyond peoples control
- God is omni-benevolent, omnipotent and omniscient
- therefore he wants to stop it, knows how and is able
- there is still suffering in this world
- therefore God does not exist
- Christian responses to evil and suffering
- it is a test from God
- we have free will, this includes
good and evil ways
- suffering happens for a reason
- the media and belief in god
- TV shows infuence our believes
- the news makes us think of
just one side
- an example is islam we only
see the bad thing
- marriage and family
- Religion and community