Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Fertility Treatment Islam Viewpoints
- Artificial Insemination by husband/partner (AIH)
- Acceptable Reasons
- Doesn't bring a third party into the act of love
- The Qur'an says 'Go forth and multiply'
- If Artificial Insemination is the only way a
couple can have children. they are still doing
what Allah wants.
- Unacceptable Reasons
- The doctor has to insert
the sperm in the womb
this could be seen as Zina
- Allah creates life so if a couple can't have
children then they should accept that and not go
against Allah's plan for them.
- Artificial Insemination by donor
- The donor can be known or unknown
- Unacceptable Reasons
- Most Muslims are against
AID because a third party is
involved by the donor giving
sperm. this is seen as Zina
- Forbidden in Islamic countries
- It allows unmarried women to
have and raise a child by
- It allows homosexual couples to
raise a child
- If the child finds out who their genetic father (donor) is
different to the father that brought them up, they could
be very upset.
- Surrogacy
- A surrogate mother is a woman who
gives birth to someone else's child
- Under British law the surrogate mother has to hand over the baby once it
is born
- Muslims disagree with surrogacy because
- A third party is involved
- When the child is old enough to know it might be upsetting
- It is Allah who decides if a couple should have
children and it shouldn't be interfered with.