Essay 1


Mindmap von saskia_k, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von saskia_k vor etwa 9 Jahre

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Essay 1
  1. Network: interconnection that exists between ways of knowing to generate knowledge
    1. KQ: How do reason and emotion add to the reliability of knowledge in History and the Natural Sciences?
      1. Natural Sciences
        1. KC: Logic is crucial to the scientific method for coming up with theories. Although emotion may be the driving force that leads scientists to create new knowledge in specific fields within the Natural Sciences
          1. CC: On the other hand, emotion may reduce the reliability of knowledge in the Natural sciences as it can involve personal biases
            1. Example: In todays world, a common scientific controversy is whether or not Vaccines cause autism. There are two sides of the argument involving different perspectives.
              1. However the problem with this is that it produces unreliable results, so if every scientist were to do this, all the knowledge that has been generated would be false.
                1. Eventually through falsification and peer review, unreliable knowledge would be replaced with new reliable knowledge. In this case, the presence of emotion may not be beneficial to the gaining of knowledge
                  1. Implications: when using the knowledge network of emotion and logic, caution needs to be taken as even though emotion can function as a driving force to generate reliable knowledge, in certain cases it may also act as a hindrance.
                  2. One side are the parents who have a child with autism and believe that the child's younger sibling will get this as well when receiving an MMR vaccine. Due to the increase in vaccines the child gets as well as the increase in autism in recent years.
                    1. Scientific community who have done extensive research and studies to prove this controversy wrong. Especially medical experts who do experiments do improve the existing knowledge.
                2. Example: Gregor Mendel who's passion for Genetics made him investigate the crossbreeding of pea plants (HL Bio)
                  1. Without this passion, it may have either taken longer for scientists to discover the existence of genes or this knowledge may have never been discovered at all putting us behind as well as delaying any knowledge about genetics that was generated after/due to Mendel's observations
                    1. In this case, the emotion of passion was key to Gregor Mendel's discovery of dominant and recessive alleles as well as genes. Without him discovering this knowledge further knowledge may have not been developed.
                    2. Was a priest, had a passion for the natural sciences regardless of his religious views
                    3. Emotion: Passion, Love for the subject that drives them to want to come up with new ideas/knowledge through experiments
                  2. History
                    1. History consists of primary and secondary source, primary is what a person experiences by being there (offering an inside view) and secondary source comes from a different source that interpreted the primary source. Secondary knowledge is learning from others.
                      1. KC: In history there exists a network between emotion and sensory perception. This network is present in stage 1 of the historical method, which is the collection of evidence. The presence of emotions such as interest increases the reliability of knowledge as it leads to a further inquiry into stage 1 of the historical methods, and doesn’t lead to sensory delusions such as fear and other such negative emotions would.
                        1. CC: On the other hand, the reliability of knowledge produced through the network of emotion and sensory perception in history may be affected by the personal biases originating from emotion.
                          1. Example: The way that my grandfather would tell his WWII stories would differ from some who was in one of the concentration camps. More specifically his friend Paul. Even though both were victims of losses. They would perceive or classify who the "enemy" is differently.
                            1. If only one side of the argument were to be presented the source would be unreliable, therefore both perspectives need to be included or the publisher needs to take an objective stance.
                              1. Due to my grandfathers house being bombed by the British he had a belief bias that the British were the enemy as it was a logical conclusion due to the fact that they were destroying German cities. This is belief bias. His friend would believe that it was Germany
                              2. One of his classmates was Jewish and he disappeared one day and no one knew what happened to him or was told about the concentration camps
                            2. Example: Grandfathers stories about WWII when he was a child. Had a good friend who disappeared one day. My grandfather had a keen interest in finding out what happened to him. Observed that many Jewish families were disappearing from his town, including his friend (Sensory Perception) Also paid attention to the Nazi ideologies which his teacher often promoted and talked about. From this he put 2 and 2 together believing that they were being asked to leave because of their religion.
                              1. Emotion is what drives us to expand on the evidence gathered in stage 1 of the historical method, however it is sensory perception that allows us to gain this knowledge.
                                1. The network between emotion and sensory perception therefore drives us to gather more information and hence help create a accurate picture of history.
                        2. Reliability: knowledge that can be repeated with the same or highly similar results
                          1. Logic and Reason
                            1. Emotion
                              1. Conclusion: Emotion has its advantages and disadvantages, it is balanced by the presence of logic and reason
                                1. Knowledge: Shared and personal knowledge
                                  1. Shared - Knowledge made/shared by a community
                                    1. Personal - Our own knowledge coming from out background, personal biases, religion, etc.
                                2. Saskia Kreutzfeldt
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