Worldwide web 1


Mindmap am Worldwide web 1, erstellt von JACK SQUIRE am 17/11/2015.
Mindmap von JACK SQUIRE , aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von JACK SQUIRE vor etwa 9 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Worldwide web 1
  1. What is the worldwide web?
    1. The content of the worldwide web is held on individual web pages which are gathered together to form websites of associated information. Web pages are connected using hyperlinks. A hyperlink is a link that, when clicked on, takes the website reader to another web page on the website or to a different website. Websites are held on a computer called a web server , which is connected to the internet and delivers web pages to users’ computers. When an internet user wants to look at a web page from a specifi c website, it is the web server’s job to deliver (download) those pages to the user’s computer. Web pages are viewed through web browsers . These are software application programs which allow internet users to access, retrieve and view information on the internet. Internet Explorer ® and Firefox are two examples of web browsers which you can use. It is the web browser which reads document fi les written in Hypertext Markup Language (HtML) and translates them into viewable web pages.
    2. HTML
      1. HTML is a computer language used to create web pages. You can create HTML directly in the language itself or by using authoring software (such as Adobe ® Dreamweaver ® or Microsoft ® Expression) which uses templates and wizards to create HTML code. HTML fi les usually have a fi lename with .htm or.html as the fi le extension; for example, document.htm. HTML is a language which relies on a series of tags. Tags usually operate in pairs, as shown in the example in Table 1.5 (page 21). There is an opening tag such as <body>, <bp> or <p>, and an end tag. End tags are identifi ed by starting with the ‘/’ character. For example: </body> closes the section of program called ‘body’; </bp> closes the bullet point tag and </p> ends the paragraph ‘p’. Tags which don’t operate in pairs include <img> (used to tag an image) and header tags (e.g. <h1>). The content between each pair of tags is called an HtML element . The language is written as a series of elements. Gradually the elements build up to
      2. In Table 1.5, the whole code is enclosed within the <html> </html> tags, which defi ne this code as an HTML program. Then the section of working code in the example is written between the <body> and </body> tags. Within this there are two HTML elements: • A web page heading enclosed between the <h1> and </h1> tags. The example code in Table 1.5 will show ‘This is a heading’ as a heading on the web page. • This is followed by a paragraph of text which is enclosed between the <p> and </p> tags. The example would show ‘This is a paragraph’ below the heading. The whole web page is built up by writing these elements. There are tags used to colour the website, position objects such as text, graphics and media on the website and to do all of the other formatting that we see on websites.
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