Zusammenfassung der Ressource
databases in companies
- sql
- nosql
- memory databases
- newsql
- databases in the cloud
- hadoop
- Apache Hadoop is a software framework that supports distributed applications under a libre.1
License Allows applications to work with thousands of nodes and petabytes of data
- mobile devices
- There are mobile versions of major relational databases that allow data to be stored and managed
locally, which is always available and quickly accessible.
- analysis of data
- structured
- lies in getting the computer to solve a problem, using an algorithm and a technical depending on the
language used
- unstructured
- information generated by the machine is now generated
- categories of new types of database ( " 2014 fast DBTA New survey
data base technologies , " April2014. )
- 62% of cloud users database
- 61% of sites NoSQL
- 58 % of users in memory
- 55% of Hadoop implementations
- companies require databases that can run remotely, some maintenance, are highly secure , and
unattached to a data center environment