Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Hazard Management
- volcanoes
- prediction (monitoring)
- measure gas
water levels
- correlation spectrometer -
before eruption gases(S02)
given off - can be used to
detect gases
- tilt meters - detect slight
changes in landscape/ground
inflation/deformation as a
result of magma accumulation
- GPS - used to detect movements
- study eruption history
- thermal imaging cameras
(changes in temp indicate
vol activity)
- seismometers - used to detect
earthquakes before eruption
- protection/preparation
- build artificial barriers to slow down lava
- Hawaiian Islands
- during:dig trenches to divert flow - Mt Etna
- before: hazard assessment - identify areas of
greatest risk & set up exclusion zones
- following assessments - land use planning can
be applied: sufficient open space keep people
away from aftershock damage from buildings
- earthquakes
- prediction
- study groundwater
levels/release of radon
magnetic fields
- map activity
of previous
- seismometer/tilt meters can be used to predict
impact of eqs - produce hazard zone map
- study earthquake history
- protection/preparation
- disaster plan - upgrading
homes (fireproof). planning
of evacuations, designating
public shelters (gov strategies)
- Education/training: educate
people in survival strategies &
have regular earthquake drills
(individual strategies)
- assemble earthquake kits
(water/food/first aid/torch/fire
- build hazard
- concrete counter weights on top
- steel cross-bracing to hold building
- rubber shock absorbers in foundation
- fire prevention - 'smart meters' cut
off gas (Tokyo) - network systems
inform employees to turn off main
pipelines - reducing number of fires
- modify loss by
insurance & aid
- MEDC - people forced to take
out insurance to cover losses
- LEDC - international emergency aid offered for only short
term - long term aid to support long term resettlement of
population, restoration of area's economic base &
infrastructure is hard to find
- tsunami
- construction of sea
- land use planning
supported by
- increase public awareness (safety routes)
- invest in tech: DART -
Deep Ocean
Assessment & Reading
of Tsunami (2001) -
monitoring systems
mainly located in
Pacific ocean
- However it's unreliable
financial cost of
maintaining systems are
high - unsustainable long
term solution for tsunami