Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Julius Caesar
- Julius Caesar
- Julius Caesar was a Roman general
and senator who returns back to
Rome after a military campaign.
Caesar, during the story, will ignore
threats made against his life because
he believes he is "as eternal as the
North Star,". Caesar is eventually
killed and some of the conspirators
are Brutus, Cassius, Trebonius, and Decius Brutus.
- Brutus
- Brutus was a supporter of the
republic and a friend of Caesar.
Brutus was apart of Caesar's
murder, but says that although
he loved Caesar, he loved Rome
more. Brutus is friends with the
conspirators of Caesar's
- Antony
- Antony and Caesar were friends
and after Caesar's death, Antony
talked at his funeral. At first after
Caesar's death, Antony joins
Brutus and the others to save his
own life. Later on, as shown at
the funeral, Antony tries to
persuade the audience to
withdrawal from Brutus
- Portia
- Portia was Brutus's wife and
eventually commits suicide out of
grief. Portia doesn't have particularly
any friends nor ememies.
- Calphurnia
- Calphurnia was Caesar's wife and
warns Caesar about going to the
Senate, where he is murdered.
Calphurnia doesn't have any true
enemies except for possibly Decius
Brutus, who had to make sure that
Caesar arrived at the Senate.
- Cassius
- Cassius was a general and friend
of Caesar. Cassius is upset that
Caesar has become Godlike to the
citizens. Cassius is the one who
planted the idea of replacing
Caesar in Brutus's head. Cassius
doesn't get along with Caesar and
his associates.
- Casca
- Casca was another citizen who
opposed Caesar. He relates to Brutus
and Cassius in the way they think
about Caesar. This leads him to
eventually joining the conspiracy to kill
- Octavius
- Octavius was Caesar's adopted son and
was often away traveling. When he heard
news of Caesar's death, he returned
home and joined forces with Antony
against Brutus and the others. Octavius
wasn't friends with Brutus and the
conspirators who killed his father.
- Soothsayer
- The soothsayer warned Caesar to "beware the Ides
of March" which shows foreshadowing for what
will happen in the future. The soothsayer doesn't
have any real friends or enemies, he's just there to
provide this small bit of information.
- Cinna (the Conspirator)
- Cinna (the Conspirator) helps Cassius scheme on
how to get Brutus to join in on going against
Caesar. Cinna plays an important role later on, he
plants fake documents in Brutus's room to push
Brutus to join. Cinna (the Conspirator) is friends
among Cassius and the others.
- Cinna (the Poet)
- Cinna (the Poet) is mistaken to be
Cinna the Conspirator when a mob
confronts him. Due to this, Cinna
the Poet dies that day by the mob
for his "bad verses".
- Flavius
- Flavius was a tribune and was the one
who had shamed the citizens for
cheering for Caesar when they had just
been cheering for Pompey. Flavius
played along with removing the
- Murellus
- Murellus was a tribune along with
Flavius who codemns the citizens for
cheering for two different people. He
gets along with the same people as