Contraceptive Pack


Mindmap am Contraceptive Pack, erstellt von Jessica Fisher - Student am 23/11/2015.
Jessica Fisher - Student
Mindmap von Jessica Fisher - Student, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Jessica Fisher - Student
Erstellt von Jessica Fisher - Student vor mehr als 9 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Contraceptive Pack
  1. Styles
    1. Illustrative
      1. Illustrations of people
        1. Illustrations of contraception items
          1. Story
            1. Inspiration
              1. Wai
                1. Jonathan Alladyce
                  1. Alyana Cazalet
                2. Professional
                  1. Clean Lines
                    1. Sans Serif Fonts
                      1. Minimal Images
                    2. Contents
                      1. Contraceptive Leaflets
                        1. Female Contraception
                          1. Male Contraception
                          2. STI Leaflet
                            1. Contraception?
                              1. Information on Clinics
                                1. Map of Clinics
                                2. Business card sized information
                                  1. Domestic Violence
                                    1. Coppafeel
                                      1. Relationship Advice
                                        1. Sexual Health Clinics
                                      2. Typography
                                        1. Easy to Read
                                          1. Easy on the Eye
                                            1. Sans Serif
                                            2. Cool Looking Fonts
                                              1. Handwritten
                                                1. Stylish
                                              2. Colours
                                                1. Bright Colours
                                                  1. Yellow
                                                    1. Green
                                                      1. Purple
                                                        1. Orange
                                                        2. Not gender stereotypical
                                                          1. Not Pink for Girls
                                                            1. Not Blue for Boys
                                                            2. Very Colourful Throughout
                                                            Zusammenfassung anzeigen Zusammenfassung ausblenden

                                                            ähnlicher Inhalt

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                                                            Effect of Carbon monoxide on oxygen transport
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                                                            Biology AQA 3.1.3 Cells
                                                            Biology AQA 3.2.5 Mitosis
                                                            Biology AQA 3.1.3 Osmosis and Diffusion
                                                            Biology- Genes, Chromosomes and DNA
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                                                            Biology- Genes and Variation
                                                            Laura Perry
                                                            Enzymes and Respiration
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