

A-Level History Mindmap am Social, erstellt von Georgia Brooke am 27/11/2015.
Georgia Brooke
Mindmap von Georgia Brooke, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Georgia Brooke
Erstellt von Georgia Brooke vor mehr als 8 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

  1. Russian Orthodox Church
    1. Associated with Tsarism
      1. Millions of adherents
        1. Priests ordered to preach obedience- led to unpopularity
        2. Not deeply respected
          1. 70% of the population belonged to the Church
          2. Between 1850-1910, Russia's population doubled
            1. 90% of population were peasants
              1. large divide between rich and poor
                1. Absence of middle class
                2. Spread of population across country
                  1. Hard to control
                    1. Hard to communicate
                    2. 18+ ethnicities in Russia
                      1. Language barrier
                        1. Difficult communication
                          1. Some forced to speak Russian
                          2. Varying cultures and traditions
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