Zusammenfassung der Ressource
French Revolution
- Causes of the French Revolution
- Political Crisis
- 1ºstate: Clergy 1% of the population, 1 vote and 300 representatives.
2ºstate: Nobility 2% of the population, 1 vote and 300 representatives.
3ºstate: middle class and peasantry 97% of the population, 1 vote and 600 representatives.
- Economic Crisis
- The French State was bankrupting.
The King wanted to increase the taxes even for the privileged upper classes.
- Social Crisis
- The three stages were discontent with the crown:
Nobility and clergy did not want to pay taxes.
Bourgeoisie wanted to abolish the absolute monarchy because they weren't allow to parcitipate in the goverment.
The lower middle class was suffering from economic difficulties.
The peasantry also suffered economic problems caused by wars, taxes and poor harvest. They also have to pay higher rent to the clergy and nobility.
- Major events of the French revolution
- The National Assembly
- Cahiers of doleances list of complains of the three states in which the third state was not listen and because of that they rebel and they create the national assembly and they ask for a constitution.
THay also made the Tennis Court Oath they promise not to stop meeting until they got a constitution.
- Contituent Assembly
- The king agree to the demands of the third state and the Constituent Assembly was elected to write a constitution. Protester began to riots.
Batille was attacked in 14/7/1789
National Guard was created. Feudal rights ended.
The Declaration of the Rights of man and the Citizen.
Louis XVI tried to escape to austria but the republicans stop him.
It adopt a constitution with popular sovereigntr, separation of power, liumited male suffrage and constitutional monarchy.
- Legislative Assembly
- Two political groups:
The Girondins:
in favour of the constitution, became more gradually,limited suffrage.Louis XVI was accused od treason and executed.Republican calender: 1 year 1792 . ! day 22 september.New war broke out became of Louis XVI execution.
300000 levy(army to support France)
Internal counter revolution.
Believe in revolution
More radical
12 members led by Robespierre
Dictatorship called "Terror"
Deal with european war and international counterrevolution.
Executions M. Antoinette, girondist, 45000 more.
Universal suffrage
Controlled prices
7/1794 Robespierre was remove from power.
- The Convention
- Louis XVI was executed
European countries formed a coalition and declared war to France to prevent the revolution to spread.
Dictatorship known as Terror
Deal with european war and counter-revolution.
- The Directory and the consulate
- 1795 middle class had gained control.
They establish the Directory to stop execution and violence.
More conservatives: censitary suuffrage and constitution of year III.
1799 revolutionaries wanted to gain regain control.
General Napoleon Bonaparte organised a military coup and establish a new form of goverment called Consulate.
Three consuls, Napoleon himself as head of the state and first consul.
- Definition
- It was a period of social and political changed that brought about the fall of the absolute monarchy and the end of the ancient regime.