Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Industrial Relations
Chapter 27
- Industrial Relations is the
term used to describe the
relationship between
management and workers in
a firm
- A Trade Union is an
organisation of workers set
up to protect and improve
their conditions of
- A shop steward is a worker
elected by fellow workers to
represent the trade union in
the actual place of work
- Craft Trade Unions are
unions that represent people
of the same trade or skill
- Industrial Trade Unions are
unions that represent all
employees in a particular
industry regardless of the
nature of their employment
- General Trade Unions
represent all categories of
workers in all industries
- White Collar Trade Unions
represent people who work in
either an office jobs or
service industries
- Irish Congress of Trade
Unions (ICTU) is a
representative body for most
trade unions in Ireland
- The Irish Business and
Employers Confederation
(IBEC) Is a representative
body that promotes the
interests of business and
employers in Ireland
- Conciliation means that an
independent person works
with the opposing parties in a
dispute with the aim of
helping them reach an
- Arbitration is the process of
resolving disputes by
referring the issue to a third
party who makes a
judgement on the dispute
- Labour Relations Commission
(LBC) aims to improve
industrial relations and to
settle industrial disputes
- Rights Commissioners
provide an informal and quick
resolution to disputes
between individual (or small
groups of) employees and
their employers on issues
other than equality
- Equality Officers are
appointed by the Labour
Relations Commission to
provide a conciliation service
for equality matters in
- The Labour Court is a
tribunal used to attempt to
resolve disputes that could
not be resolved by the
Labour Relations Commission.
- The Employment Appeals
Tribunal is an independent
body that deals with disputes
where employees think their
employment rights have been