Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Educational policies in the UK since 1997
- Types of Schools
- Comprehensive schools
- Faith schools
- Secondary modern schools
- Private schools
- Grammar schools
- Different aspects of education from polices
- New Right
- Schools should compete to attract pupils and educational standards
improve as a result
- Marketisation, testing and national curriculum (1979-1997)
- Social Democrat
- Society should be based on fairness
- The Education Act 2011
- Brought in by coalition government
- Changes to many different education policy
such as:
- Discipline
- Post-16 education and training
- Student finance
- Academies (free schools)
- Non profit making, independent state funding school
- Offer broad and balanced curriculum
- Not controlled by a local authority
- Pupil premium
- EMA's
- Criticisms
- Increased university fees
- Lots of cuts to funding
- Inequalities still in education
- Ball et al.- families using cultural capital to impress at interviews
- Students still effected by material and culutural deprivation
- Compulsory education/training to the age of 18
- Curriculum 2000
- Reform of the A level exams, split into AS exams and A2 exams
- New Labour
- Tomlison argues the 'new vocationalism' has been built on by more recent New Labour governments
- Background information
- New Right influenced the New Labour government elected in 1997
- Policies begun by the conservative were continued eg. specialist schools
- Specialist schools were encouraged to specialize in certain subjects
- Aim was to encourage choice, competition and raise standards