Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Outline and assess
explanations for
changes in educational
attainment by females.
- Introduction
- In the past
girls have
and at present
girls are over
- The job market - Half of
women in employment
in 1960 – in 2006, risen
to three quarters
- Female
expectations – see
their role as more
- Sharpe
- Sharpe’s research in
the early 1990’s
noted that girls
priorities had
changed over a 20
year span.
- They no longer saw
marriage and children
as a priority, rather it
was a career which
dominated their
- Sharpe conducted the
survey in 1976 then in
- In 1976 girl main
priorities started with
LOVE and ended with
- In 1994 she found
priorities had completely
changed with JOBS and
CAREERS leading with
losing the top positions.
- Spender
- Teachers give boys
and girls different
types of attention.
- Girls are praised for
appearance, good
behaviour and neat work.
- These qualities
are view less
highly than the
creativity or
individuality of
- Colley
- Found still
differences in
option choices
despite the N.C
- She argues this
affects students
perceptions of
- Jackson
- Investigated a growing
culture of ‘laddishness’
among girls (aggression,
loudness, language,
- She used
and interviews
with year 9
- Girls adopt this behaviour
as it makes them seem
cool, and if they don't do
well, they can pretend it is
because they don’t care.
- She believes this stems from
the competition between schools
and the pressure of girls to
perform in examination
- Radical Feminist Views
- Radical feminists
dispute changes
- Primary schools may be
more feminine but males
dominate top positions
- Girls progress in education is
not replicated in the job market
– still a glass ceiling women
earn about 80% of what men
- Boys may develop anti
school subcultures but this
is nothing new and they
tend to be working class.
- General Facts
- Mothers tend to read to their
children so it is seemed as a
feminine activity.
- Girls often get books
for Christmas and
- There has been a big shift in
society (feminism) and this
means girls have bigger
ambitions for their future.
- Evaluation
- Women are still seen as
primary carers for children
(maternity leave is longer than
paternity leave) and so may
have to work part-time or give
up work after having children.
- Crisis of masculinity
(New Man, metrosexual,
retrosexual): Men are
unsure of their roles in
- Mac an Ghaill
- Some feminists
concerned that girls
are still
- This debate may also be
influenced social class as
well as gender – m/c
girls out perform any
other group.
- Gilborn and Mirza
- Class is still the most important
factor influencing differential
educational achievement, thought to
have twice the effect of ethnicity –
and 5 times that of gender
- Marxists would argue that it is
nothing to do with gender and is
much more to do with class and
the capitalist society.