Outline and assess sociological explanations for changes in educational attainment by females


Mindmap am Outline and assess sociological explanations for changes in educational attainment by females, erstellt von 21066759 am 07/12/2015.
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Outline and assess sociological explanations for changes in educational attainment by females
  1. Theories
    1. Feminist
      1. Radical Feminists dispute chnage
        1. Primary schools may be more feminine but males dominate top positions
          1. Girls progress in education is not replicated in the job market
            1. Curriculum still based in favour of white male knowledge
            2. Marxism
              1. The ruling class is still ahead of the working class.
              2. Functionalism
                1. Education gves you the skills to fulfil your role in society, equality of opportunity
                2. Interactionists
                  1. It's down to the interaction between teacher and pupil. The majority of primary teachers are female, this could allow girls to identify with the teachers, while boys would find it more difficult
                3. Attainment Figures
                  1. Prior to 1985 girls were underperforming
                    1. DSCF (2007) - Gender is mainly the result of boys ' poorer literacy and language skills
                      1. 2014: 80% of boys reached the expected level in reading at age 11 compared with 88% of girls
                        1. 2014 - 59% boys achieved A*-C in GCSE compared to 73% of girls
                          1. From 1985 to 2007 girls were not performing as well in maths and science
                            1. Girls from the highest social class scored 44% more points than the girks in the lower classes
                              1. 2006 - three quarters of women are in employment
                              2. Studies
                                1. Sharpe - priorities have changed since 1970s
                                  1. Spender (1983) - teachers treat boys and girls differently
                                    1. Coley (1998) - different gender choices in option choices
                                      1. Carol Jackson (2006) - Ladette culture, comes form the pressure of girls to preform in examination
                                        1. Sewell (2006) - schools celebrate qualities that are often associated with girls
                                          1. McVeigh (2001) - gender is much less important than class and ethnicity
                                            1. Fuller - the gennder gap is greater amongst black Caribbean pupils
                                              1. Epstein - boys get bullied if they do well in education
                                                1. Girls have a 'bedroom' culture, staying in ad talking with their friends, this enhances their literacy and language ability
                                                  1. Mothers are more likely to read their children making it seem like a feminine activity
                                                  2. Other influencing factors
                                                    1. Class
                                                      1. Ideal pupil is a white upper class male
                                                        1. Has 5X the effect on educational achievemnet than anything else
                                                          1. Middle class parents are more able to manipulate the school system to get the best for their children
                                                          2. Ethnicity
                                                            1. Ideal pupil is a white upper class male
                                                              1. Black pupils
                                                                1. More likely to be excluded
                                                                  1. Boys reject school and education while girls just reject school
                                                                    1. Praised less, told off more
                                                                      1. 1.5 more likely than British pupils to be labelled as having behaviour problems
                                                                      2. Chinese pupils are the highest achieving in GCSE level
                                                                        1. Gypsy/Romany and Irish travellers score least at GCSE level
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