Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Biology 3.2
- 2.1 Describe that sexual reproduction requires the finding and selection of a suitable mate, and can
involve courtship behaviours that advertise an individual’s quality
- 2.2 Describe how animals have different mating strategies, including: a) a mate for life. b) several
mates over a lifetime. c) a mate for a breeding season. d) several mates over one breeding season.
- 2.3 Describe that some animals, in particular birds and mammals, have developed special
behaviours for rearing their young
- 2.4 Demonstrate an understanding of why parental care can be a successful evolutionary strategy,
including: a) increased chance of survival of offspring. b) increased chance of parental genes being
passed on by the offspring.
- 2.7 Explain how humans can make use of conditioning when training captive animals for specific
purposes, including: a) sniffer dogs. b) police horses. c) dolphins
- 2.8 Investigate animal behaviour using choice chambers
- 2.9 Describe how some animal behaviour requires communication
- 2.10 Explain how animals use a variety of types of signals to communicate, including: a) sound signals.
b) chemical signals (pheromones). c) visual signals (gestures, body language, facial expression).
- 2.10 Explain how animals use a variety of types of signals to communicate, including: a) sound signals.
b) chemical signals (pheromones). c) visual signals (gestures, body language, facial expression).
- 2.6 Describe the different behaviours exhibited by animals, including: a) innate behaviour. b)
imprinting. c) habituation. d) classical conditioning. e) operant conditioning.
- 2.5 Explain how, within the animal kingdom, parental care may involve
risks to the parents
- 2.12 Demonstrate an understanding of the work of ethologists, including: a) Tinbergen, innate
behaviour in gulls. b) Lorenz, imprinting in geese. c) Fossey, social behaviour in gorillas. d) Goodall, social
behaviour in chimpanzees.
- 2.13 Demonstrate an understanding of how plants and animals have co-evolved, including: a) flower
structure and insect behaviour in pollination. b) plant defence and animal metabolism.
- 2.14 Describe the evidence for human evolution, based on fossils, including: a Ardi from 4.4 million
years ago b Lucy from 3.2 million years ago c Leakey’s discovery of fossils from 1.6 million years ago