Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Politics 1951-64
- Prime Ministers
- 1951Churchill
- 1951 Election Results
- 295 Labour
- 48.8%
- 321 Conservative seats
- 48.0% (GPTP)
- 1955- Eden
- 1955 Election Results
- 345 Conservatives seats
- 49.7%
- 277 Labour seats
- 46.4% of votes
- 1956 Macmillan
- 1963 Resigned
- 1959 Election Results
- 365 Conservative Seats
- 48.8%
- 258 Labour seats
- 44.6%
- Proflies
- Churchill
- War PM
- 51-55
- Eden
- Churchill's War Foreign Secretary
- Acting PM 51-55
- PM 55-57
- Butler
- Best PM never had
- 1944 Education Act
- Chancellor 51-55
- Macmillan
- Churchill's Military Liaison Officer (War)
- Churchill's housing minister
- Foreign Secretary for Eden
- 57-63 Prime Minister
- Definitions
- Post-war Consensus
- Mixed economy: state involvement and private enterprise
- NHS & Welfare state
- Full Employment
- One Nation Conservatives
- All classes have obligation to one another;
responsibility for better-off to ensure well
being of worse- off
- Domestic Policies
- 1951- Promise 300,000 homes P/A
- 1944- Butler Act (tripartite school system)
- 1956- Clean Air act
- 1957- Homicide act
- 1957- Wolfenden Commission suggested gay= ok
- Housing and Factory acts
- Labour Divisions
- Bevan
- Atlee's minister of health
- NHS architect
- Resigned '51- Prescription fees
- Gaitskell
- Chancellor of Exchequer 1950-51
- Introduced prescription charges
- Labour leader '55