School Transport Inspector - Operations


A mind map visually explaining; What we do, who does it, and how we do it
Fred Meagher
Mindmap von Fred Meagher, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Fred Meagher
Erstellt von Fred Meagher vor etwa 9 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

School Transport Inspector - Operations
  1. School Bus Contractors - Taxis & Buses - All service related communication comes from service operator via Inspector
    1. All Accidents & incidents
      1. Emergency services - Guards, Medical assistance, Fire Brigade
      2. Nominated drivers - All issues reported directly to Contractor (Employer)
        1. Direct communication with parents regarding service disruption
        2. Local School Transport Office - Administration
          1. Customer - Mainstream Applications, queries, complaints, requests
              1. Schools - Requests & queries, on behalf of pupils - Submitted in writing to Local office
                1. Parent requests/complaints
                    1. Escort or school employee concerns
                    2. School Transport Head office - Broadstone
                      1. Department of Education & Skills
                        1. SEN Pupil applications
                          1. Grant Applicaitons
                            1. Parent queries and complaints
                            2. All other Government Departmental issues
                              1. Media - Radio, TV, Printed media queries
                              2. Elected Representatives
                                1. Public concerns
                                2. Bus Éireann Internal policies, procedures and notifications
                                  1. Contractor and BE driver Administration
                                    1. Contractor Payroll
                                      1. All Contractor queries regarding payments
                                      2. BE driver payroll
                                        1. All BE queries relating to payments
                                    2. Reports for New transport applications
                                      1. Distance calculations for Grant applications
                                        1. Reports for new services required
                                        2. Reports on pupil changes of address
                                          1. Reports on all service related issues - Responses to complaints of contractor, driver, Part time, pupil behaviour
                                            1. School and passenger safety talks and information
                                              1. Bus Inspections
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