Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Simple Past-Aux Did
- Fuction:Describes an activity or situation that began and ended in the past
- Grammar Estructure
- (+)s+v(in past)*c
- (-)S*Aux(did)+not+v(sf)+c
- (?)Aux(did)+s+v(sf)+c+?
- (?)QW+Aux+(did)+s+v(sf)+?
- (?)How much did I love you?
What time did she sleep
- (?)Did you love mr so much?
Yes, I did/No, I did not Did
she sleep early? Yes, she
did/No, she didn´t
- I didn´t love you so much
She didn't sleep early
- (+) I loved you so much
She slept early
- Notes:
- El verbo en pasado puede tener forma
regular(terminación "ed") o irregular (no"ed")
- Work-worked
- Buy-bought
- Reglas para agregar "ed" al verbo
- 1.-los verbos que
termina en "e" solo se
les agrega "d"
- Invinitivo: to love Past: loved
- 2.-cuando el verbo en
monosilabico y su
termiancion es C,V,C se
dobletea la ultima
consonante y se agrega
- Infinitivo: to stop Past: stopped
- 3.- Cuando el verbo termina en
consonante+"y" se elimina esta y se
agrega "ied"
- Infinitivo: to study Past: Studied