Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Visions and Voices
- We live in a world of sights and sounds; observe and hear
things around us
- St Teresa and Avila offered two tests to
determine whether an experience was genuine
- Does it fit in with Christian teaching
- Does the experience leave the individual with peace
- Some thinkers have raised the issue of how we might
prove if the experience is genuine
- Physical problems/mental illness gives false perceptions
- Visions
- Muhammed's vision;
- Vision gave Muhammed a
purpose and a calling
- 'Proclaim! In the name of thy Lord and
- St Teresa's vision;
- Inner Vision; as described
by St Teresa of Avila
- 'I saw Christ at my side'
- Some thinkers refer to these as
intellectual visions
- These are not the same as
seeing an external object with
the eyes;
- Instead, a clear vision in the mind's eyes
- Some argue that they are too
profound to be confused with the
- Voices
- One dramatic type of religious experience
- They carry authority; profound
effects; need not be audible
- However, sometimes referred to as
the voice of the 'Holy Spirit'
- Augustine's experience;
- 'I heard the voice of a 'sing-song' child'
- Interpretations of God's