Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- very strong+powerful
- "strong as a bull"
- good worker
- mentally like a child
- "he's jes' like a kid"
- like an animal: "lennie covered his face with huge paws and bleated with terror".
- "the way bear drags his paws"
- like a terrier who doesn't want to bring a ball back to his master"
- relies on George in both body and mind
- george-brain
- lennie- strength
- lennies violence gets worse throughout novel
- 1.mice
- curley's hand
- puppy
- curley's wife
- lennies fear turns to anger
- sympathy for lennie- doesn't want to cause pain, can't control his own strength
- slim says he can see that lennie "ain't a bit
mean". slim's the wisest and most trusted
character, so reader is likely to agree