Zusammenfassung der Ressource
USA - Historical roots
of Immigration I
- Why is the US called
"nation of
- great ethnic diversity
- fact: less than 1 per cent
of total population =
descendants of native
- total population =
about 310 million
- all others = immigrants /
descendants of immigrants
- The three periods of
immigration to North America
- Early immigration
- Arrival of the
Pilgrim Fathers
- 1620
- beginning of colonisation
- ship "Mayflower"
- European immigration
- first wave
- 1820 - 1860
- people from Great Britain,
Ireland, Western Germany
- second wave
- 1860 - 1890
- people from
scandinavian countries
- third wave
- 1890 - 1915
- people from southern / eastern Europe
(Greece, Italy, Austria, Poland..)
- Immigration today
(major reasons)
- search a life in peace and freedom
- religious persecution
- Hope for economic improvement
- increasing use of machinery in agriculture +
mechanization of the production process in factories
made thousands of craftsmen + workers unemployed
- Civil War
- industrialization
- American industry
grew rapidly
- Manufacturers
needed more workers
- people from
all over
Europe came
- potato famine
- American letters
- written by immigrants
- wrote about about their new life
- published in Europe
- attracted more immigrants
- looking for adventures
- "huddled masses"
- term for millions of poor people
who found asylum in the USA
- taken from famous poem by
Emma Lazarus "The New Colossus"
- inscribed in the pedestral
of the statue of liberty
- statue was a gift;
symbolizes the love
of democracy in
USA and France
- Description of the
immigrants' arrival in
the US and their life
- arrival in New York
(main entry point)
- many stayed in New York,
making it the "City of the World"
- Life in a society of immigrants
- no racial tensions; all had the aim
to improve their living conditions
- difficult start because of bad
accomodations, bad working conditions
- The role of Ellis Island
- first official Federal immigration center
- established as a response to the older
immigrants' call for a restriction of immigration
- new immigrants had to
go to "Ellis Island" to be
checked before they
could enter America
- medical inspection
- psychological examination
- Isle of Hope
- for more than 17 million
immigrants who were
allowed to enter America
- Isle of Tears
- for those who showed any
signs of illness / diseases
- for people with
politically doubtful
characters or convicts
- about 2 per cent of the
immigrants were sent
back to their homelands