Zusammenfassung der Ressource
The body
- Blood
- Circulatory systems
- Veins and Capillaries
- Structure of the heart
- Electrodiograms and Spirometers
- Heart cycle
- Between beats (Relaxing)
- Cuspid valves are closed
and then open and Semi
Lunar valves are closed
- Atria fills with blood
from the Vena Cava and
the Pulmonary vein
- Atria contracting
- Cuspid Valves are Open
and Semi Lunar valves
are Closed
- Forces blood into the
ventricles, the pressure in the
atria is greater than in the
ventricles which are relaxed.
The Semi-Lunar valves are shut
preventing back flow into the
- Ventricles contracting
- Cuspid valves are closed
and the Semi lunar valves
are open
- Ventricles contract
- Gaseous exchange
- Skeleton and Bone Structure