Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Energy Matters
- Film genre
- Horror
- Action
- Phycological
- Jumpscare's
- Gory
- Fantasy
- Si-fi
- New worlds
- Different creatures-
strange people
- Action through-out
- Comedy
- Romcom
- Action comedy
- Witty/Sarcastic
- Slapstick
- My ideas
- Comedy, Action, thriller
- Main character: fickle
teenage girl obsessed with
the internet.
- Nerd-y
- Stays inside
all day.
- Is least likely person
for anything to
happen to
- Hyperactive
- 'weird'
- Brilliant by accident.
- Socially awkward.
- Clueless
- Plot
- Normal (ish) girl
gets thrown into
- Awkward one
sided love story
with mysterious
- Accidently
saving the
- Crisscrossing
the world in
search for wifi
- Mysterious
man is the
lost 'Energy'
- Suddenly all energy is lost-
- Set in 2020 England but
does go around the world
- Meets different types
of people on journey
- Main character oblivious to
the evil going on
- Energy has
become an AI
and want to be
its own
- Called 'Energy matters'
because Energy wants to
be appreciated.
- Action turns to thriller
- Main character: Average
man, lives boring same
old life.
- Witty
- Sarcastic
- Wants
more in
- Played by Andrew Scott
- Not stupid but
easily persuaded
- No luck with ladies
- 'Loser'
- Is thought to be
a good guy
- corruptible
- Plot
- Main character is average day man
until he gets energy power
- Set in 2020 - busy American city
- At first uses powers for good,
audience think he is a great guy.
- Audience start to see
him become darker
- Main character becomes
the villain of his own story
- becomes drunk
with power