9 Nostalgia


Bachelors Degree Postmodern Culture Mindmap am 9 Nostalgia, erstellt von Joanna MacQueen am 09/01/2016.
Joanna MacQueen
Mindmap von Joanna MacQueen, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Joanna MacQueen
Erstellt von Joanna MacQueen vor etwa 9 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

9 Nostalgia
  1. the past v. present
    1. attraction to the past because it is complete
      1. unsatisfying present, good old days past (Hobsbawm 1997)
        1. fleeting nature, reality fiction blurred boundaries, collapse of time and space, intensified by media and consumer culture
          1. past highly marketable, acceleration of tech
          2. Baudrillard
            1. Third Order of Simulacrum
              1. heritage simulations
                1. own realities
            2. Jameson
              1. cultural schizophrenia
                1. perpetual present
                  1. history becomes phantasy (mediated images of past)
                  2. ' intertextuality” as a deliberate, built in feature of the aesthetic effect ... displaces real history'
                  3. historicism
                    1. not longing for authentic past (irrelevant in PM) but the style
                      1. cherry picking history
                      2. demand for past: tv viewing, heritage, vintage, retro communities
                        1. re-enchanting the present?
                          1. romanticized/idealised
                          2. even bad past still perceived as good
                        2. Past is tangible and secure- Lowenthal
                        3. Nostalgia Industry
                          1. themes create options= more consumption
                            1. Periods that we remember
                              1. Periods we dont remember
                                1. manufactured, idealized past
                                2. memory banks (Recuber)
                              2. Retrophilic culture
                                1. fans create utopian spaces (Grey, 2007)
                                  1. Sassatelli- dreaming with eyes open
                                    1. Spitalfields House- made up story
                                      1. aestheticization, similar to abandoned places
                                    2. avatar, vintage presence
                                      1. Us and them perspective
                                        1. where are you? what time period
                                      2. historical simulacra eg. Retrospective Magazine
                                        1. Escapist
                                          1. 'alternative to unacceptable present' Lowenthal
                                            1. anaesthetic, decelaration (a perceived simpler existance), provides structure
                                              1. Considering the past: commodity, antidote, spectacle
                                            2. Authenticity
                                              1. urgency to find genuine, paradox authenticity irrelevant in PM
                                                1. connect to past, distance from present
                                                  1. Benjamin: aura of genuine objects unfindable in present
                                              2. Identity
                                                1. fashion, values, individuality (jameson says a thing of the past)
                                                2. Response
                                                  1. Dialectical opposition > the rejection of advanced consumerism and yet the nostalgia (consumer) industry permits us to travel back in time
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