Zusammenfassung der Ressource
The Social Identity Theory
- Prejudice can be explained by
out tendency to identify
ourselves as part of a group
and to classify other peopl as
either within or outside that
- Merely being in a group and
being aware of the existence of
another group is enough for
prejudice to develop
- There are 3 stages;
- Social Categorisation
- We categorise ourselves
and others as members of
particular social groups
- Social Identification
- We adopt the identity of the
group we have categorised
ourselves as belonging to
- Social Comparison
- Once we have categorised
ourselves as part of a group
and identified with that group
we compare that group with
other groups
- We deliberately
put down others
to try and raise
our own self
- E.G. Males will
dismiss women's
driving ability to
make themselves
feel better