Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Com. Agriculture policy in EU
- One of the original pillar of EC
- founders: BENELUX countries + ITA, DEU, FRA
- The treaty of Rome -> principles and objectives of CAP 1958:
- Increase productivity -> technical progress +optimum use of the factors of
- Fair standard of living for the community
- Stabilise Market
- Secure aviavility of goods and supplies
- Food= good value for the money
- No changes of objectives
- "Wine Lakes" - 1980's
- NO MARKET-for good produced
- Were stored and later sale atlower global market prices
- Was the most expensive of EU's policies
- With enlargment-> lesser part of overall budget
- To direct cost EU consumers pay approximately €50bn more in
higher food cost
- Payment linked to animal welfare and environmental targets.
- Sugar regime-cuts guaranteed prices, aims to reduce overall production
significantly. EU's sugar beet < Overseas
- Since 1990's instead of productions, farmers are given direct payment
- Today :
- Benefits:
- FRANCE- largest recipient- 20% of funds
- 2/3 goes to DEU, ITA, ESP, UK
- Largest per capita payments to Greece and Ireland
- EU farmers receive aprox. 74 % of funds
- EU subsidising farmers and
distorting markets
- Financies:
- Gross Nat. Income
- Duties on Import
- Taxes base