Ethnic Inequality - Workplace


Sociology (Social Inequality) Mindmap am Ethnic Inequality - Workplace, erstellt von Daniel Johnston am 09/12/2013.
Daniel Johnston
Mindmap von Daniel Johnston, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Daniel Johnston
Erstellt von Daniel Johnston vor mehr als 11 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Ethnic Inequality - Workplace
  1. Experience prejudice, discrimination & stereotyping
    1. Hindus are well represented in the highly paid medical profession
      1. 2004
        1. Ethnic minority workers earned £18,044 compared with £19,552 for white employees. Bangladeshi salary was £12,220 a year.
          1. Unemployment rates!
            1. Lowest rate - white men - 5%
              1. Highest rate - African Carribean men - 14%
                1. Lowest rate among ethnic minority - Indian men - 7%
                  1. 37 % of Bangladeshi 16-24 & 35 % of Pakistanis compared with 11% of white people
                    1. Ethnic minority men - less likely than white to be employed in skilled trades 12% compared with 20%
                    2. White men were paid £1.80 per hour more than ethnic minority men
                    3. Block (2004)
                      1. Recent immagrants generally experience significant disadvantage - refuges earning 79% of the pay of ethnic minority groups
                      2. First annual report - Government's Ethnic Minority Taskforce
                        1. Employment rate among ethnic minorities was 59.4% compared with 74.9% for the general population
                        2. JRF
                          1. When qualification levels are taken into account - there's difference between earnings of white people & black or Indian people.
                          2. Lucinda Platt (2007)
                            1. Ethnic minority workers do not have access to informal social networks
                            2. Clark & Drinkwater (2007)
                              1. Many Asians prefer self-employment in relatively low paid sectors - taxi-driving/catering - rather than face discrimination in the wider employment sector.
                              2. 2007
                                1. Unemployment rate for ethnic minorities was over 11% - twice the national average!!
                                2. The Joseph Rowntree Foundation 2007
                                  1. Men from ethnic minorities in managerial & professional jobs earn up to 25% less than their white colleagues!
                                    1. African- Carribean & Bangladeshi men were most likely to face greatest pay discrimination
                                    2. An African-Caribbean graduate is more than twice as likely to be unemployed as a white graduate.
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