Zusammenfassung der Ressource
All This Fluid!
- emesis at home
- when did she vomit last?
- How much?
- what did it look like?
- possible causes?
- K = 2.9, Na = 130, creat & BUN are up
- what is normal?
- Serum Potassium, K = 3.5-5.0 mEq/L
Serum Sodium, Na 135-147 mEq/LBUN - blood urea nitrogen 7-20 mg/dLBUN: Cr - creatinine ratio 10-20:1
- what do these results mean?
- Inc. BUN: Cr may indicate dehydration, GI bleeding, increased catabolism
Inc. BUN may indicate acute glomerulonephritis, ahminoglycosides, burns, chronic nephritis, dehydration, GI bleeding, renal failure, shock, stress
K is low but no critical (< 2.5 would be critical) could indicate alkalosis, ascites, burns, chronic pyelonephritis, bushings syndrome, diarrhea, low potassium intake, RTA type I II, VOMITTING, drugs: diuretics, salicylate, insulin
Na is low which could indicate AIDS, adrenal insufficiency, CHF, cirrhosis, cyclophosphamide, exercise, heavy sweating, nephrotic syndrome, NG suctioning, SIADH, VOMITING, water intoxication, Drugs: ACE inhibitors, D5W, diuretics, hypotonic saline, thiazides
- do these labs diagnose her pain?
- any immediate danger?
- care for person with E& F imbalance
- ER inserted an NG tube
- why?
- IV running
- Why?
- still in pain
- call Dr?
- what else do I need to
know before I call?
- has anything been
prescribed for her pain?
- how long ago did she have it?
- when's next dose?
- pain score?
- assessment & intervention PQRST
- is she on any medications?
- reason for going to the hospital?
- Admitting diagnosis?
- plan of treatment
- diagnostic tests
- age
- More about her
- family, social support,
- power flower for interviewing
& integrating family
- health history